Tuesday 16th July 2019
Area9 has been appointed the successful candidate for the modernisation and replacement for the City of Darwin’s aging fleet of PC’s and mobile devices which were no longer adequate to perform daily tasks.
The City of Darwin employs more than 350 staff strategically located at different locations across the City. In defining the requirements for their future needs City of Darwin stated “Council is looking to change the way its employees work, shifting from a current desk bound environment to contemporary mobile working solutions supported by cloud-based applications”.
Area9 Director Simon Watt commented "It’s terrific to see City of Darwin demonstrating their commitment as a Local Government authority in supporting Northern Territory business and recognising the value that local procurement delivers to the economy. We commend the CEO Scott Waters and his team for doing so and I'm delighted that Area9 has been selected to support the City of Darwin’s modernisation and ICT enhancement strategy".
For further information contact marketing@area9.com.au or call 1300 360 396 to speak with one of our friendly sales staff.